Search Results for: dolphin

Stop Slaughter of Endangered Ganges River Dolphins

The Ganges river dolphin is dying out due to habitat degradation, pollution and entanglement in fishing gear. Demand action to protect this endangered species and its special ecosystem.

Stop Irrawaddy Dolphins From Going Extinct

The endangered Irrawaddy dolphin is facing extinction due to habitat loss, entanglement in fishing gear, and poaching. Demand the establishment of a protected area to prevent their extinction and preserve their habitat.

Stop Poisoning Amazon River Dolphins and Destroying Rainforest

Pollution from industrial activities, mining, and agriculture is threatening the Amazon river dolphin and jeopardizing the biodiversity of the rainforest. Protect their habitat now to preserve the region’s cultural heritage.

Stop the Dolphin Slaughter at Mirage Hotel and Casino

Three bottlenose dolphins have died at the Mirage Hotel and Casino within six months. Demand the casino close this exhibit permanently and allow the remaining dolphins to be rescued.

Stop Stealing Dolphins From Ocean for People to Swim With Them

Dolphins are stolen from the ocean and forced to swim with humans. These poor animals are subjected to extreme physical and psychological abuse. Demand dolphins be allowed to live freely.

Dolphins Ridden Like a Horse and Impaled By Spear While Begging for Food Deserve Justice

A pair of defenseless dolphins died in two unrelated acts of animal cruelty. A stranded dolphin took her last breaths as bystanders tried to ride her like a horse, while a nursing mother dolphin was impaled by a spear while begging for food. Demand the most severe punishment for all responsible parties.

Save Rare Dolphins From Human-Caused Extinction

A rare species of dolphin is going extinct due to human activity. Listing them as an endangered species will help to ensure their survival. Sign this petition to save these wonderful creatures.

Educational Series: Incredible, Imperiled Dolphins Need Our Help

By Nick Engelfried In 2018, shocking video footage appearing to show trapped and drowned dolphins being disposed of by a French fishing vessel sparked outrage among animal lovers. Taken during a secret filming mission off the coast of France, the rare video shows a trawling net being hauled onto a […]

Educational Series: Stopping the Dolphin Slaughter

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”] It has been 8 years since the release of the documentary ‘The Cove’ that highlighted the dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan. We dove in to see what has changed since the spotlight was put on this horrific annual event. The changes we found were […]

Success: Government Bans Captive Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises

After mother and daughter beluga whales passed away within two weeks of each other, the public and animal activists spoke up about their concerns for the animals trapped within the aquarium. Thankfully, the local board decided to ban cetacean captivity at the aquarium. Sign this petition and praise the board for making the compassionate choice.

Success: National Aquarium Releases Dolphins to Sanctuary

The National Aquarium has recently announced that it will be releasing all eight of its bottlenose dolphins to a seaside sanctuary. Now these dolphins will be able to swim in the sea, feel the tides, and interact with wild dolphins. Sign this petition and thank the National Aquarium for making the compassionate decision.

Save Whales and Dolphins From Deadly Explosions

Whales and dolphins are being put at risk by deadly explosions set off during Navy training exercises in their habitat. Urge the Navy to safeguard marine life by staying out of these sensitive areas.

Protect Marine Life by Using Biodegradable Fishing Nets

Hundreds of thousands of marine life are killed each year through the use of wire and plastic fishing nets. Demand the required use of biodegradable nets to improve water pollution and preserve these vital populations.

Educational Series: It’s Time to Stop Slaughtering Sharks for ‘Safety’

By Nick Engelfried Every summer, millions of people head to ocean beaches to surf, swim, fish, or otherwise enjoy the water. For some, there’s nothing more relaxing than a day at the beach. However, what many beach-goers don’t realize is that they may be recreating in proximity to some of […]

Save Marine Life From Plastic Pollution

Marine plastic pollution is a growing problem and whales and dolphins are paying the price with their health and even their lives. Not only does this harm wildlife, it also cripples the global fishing industry. Demand the International Whaling Commission develop a rapid action blueprint to curb the menace of plastic debris in oceans.

Don’t Let Climate Threat Run Over Reindeer

The animals popularly known as reindeer are at dire risk of extinction due to largely human-caused threats. Support newly enhanced protections for this beautiful species.

Turn Exploitative Zoos Into Animal Recovery Centers

Animals in zoos and aquariums endure extreme physical and psychological trauma. Demand the U.S. ban these abusive institutions and, instead, convert them into animal conservation and recovery centers.

Protect Zoo Animals From Abuse and Early Death With Mandated Reporting

Many animals held captive at zoos suffer severe physical abuse and psychological trauma, and they have minimal legal protection. Demand the government mandate reporting of animal death to reduce animal abuse in zoos and to hold abusive zookeepers legally accountable for their actions.

Stop Capturing Whales and Implanting Them with Invasive Electrodes

Whales are being coerced into tiny cages and implanted with electrodes by the US Navy. These conditions are extremely stressful for the animals and have failed to produce meaningful data. Demand an end to this cruel research endeavor.

Stop the Expansion of Animal-Poisoning Offshore Drilling Operations

A new offshore oil and gas drilling development plan could allow valuable land to be leased to fossil fuel companies. This would inevitably contribute to mass scale environmental pollution, as well as a series of oil spills that threaten millions of wildlife and people. Demand the Biden Administration not lease any new territories to these companies and encourage a move towards a clean energy economy.

​​Stop Imprisoning Depressed Whales

Captivity fails to provide whales with their basic psychological, physical, and social needs. In captive settings, these highly social, cognitively complex mammals show extreme signs of depression, as they are deprived of their natural inclinations and are forced to live out their days isolated in tiny cages. Demand an end to the imprisonment of whales.

Captive Orcas Reportedly Chewing Teeth Off and Banging Heads Into Walls Must be Freed

Despite years of efforts to free SeaWorld’s orcas, this amusement park chain is still imprisoning these majestic animals for the entertainment and profit of humans. Demand SeaWorld release its remaining orcas into the wild or an accredited sanctuary.

Free Lolita the Orca From Torturous Captivity

Lolita, an orca being held in captivity, appears to be suffering terribly. Demand this majestic creature be saved from more agony.

Educational Series: Incredible Kelp Forests With Countless Marine Animals are Facing Destruction

By Nick Engelfried Submerged beneath the waves, just a short ways from the shore along many parts of North America’s Pacific Coast, forests 150 feet or more in height sway gently back and forth with the tides. As impressive in their way as the Douglas-fir and redwood trees growing on […]

Stop Toxic Chemicals Leaking Into the Ocean

25,000 barrels of toxic chemicals have been found in a dumping site off the coast of California. Harmful substances like DDT are leaking into the water and poisoning wildlife. Demand the removal and cleanup of this leaking environmental disaster.

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